JIB Constitution
October 1854, as amended by the General Meeting held on Tuesday 14th April 1998
1. The name will be the Jedforest Instrumental Band ("the Band")
2. The Aim of the Band is to advance the education of the public in the art of brass band music in Jedburgh and surrounding area. In furtherance of the above objects, the Band will undertake the following:
a) the running of a Brass Band;
b) achievement of the highest possible musical standards;
c) provide teaching and training of young people and adults in musical theory and playing brass instruments.
All income and assets of the Band will be devoted to the furtherance of the above objects of the Band. No payment will be made to Members of the Band, except for payments in good faith for professional services and legitimate expenses.
3. Membership of the Band will consist of two categories of Members :
a) Ordinary or performing Members - qualified by playing in the Band;
b) Honorary or non-performing Members - qualified by acceptance at an Annual General Meeting.
Both categories of Member will have equal rights and responsibilities, except as indicated.
4. An Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Band will be held annually on the second Thursday in January. The AGM will be called, between 2 and 4 weeks in advance, by :
a) advertisements in local newspapers;
b) a notice in the Bandroom;
c) letters to each Member.
5. Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM) of the Band may be called for urgent or necessary business, giving notice in the same way as for an AGM and stating the purpose of the meeting by :
(a) the President, with agreement of the Committee; or
(b) at the request of six Members in writing to the Secretary.
6. Membership of the Management Committee will consist of the Office Bearers and of elected Members. Office Bearers will consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Conductor, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Librarian, and will be appointed annually at the AGM. Other Members of the Management Committee will consist of six Ordinary Members and two Honorary Members, of whom half will retire annually at each AGM, and will be eligible for re-election.
Election and appointments will be decided by a majority of votes of Members at the AGM. Casual vacancies may be filled at an EGM, or by the Management Committee until the following AGM.
The quorum of the Committee is four.
7. An Auditor will be appointed at the AGM, by a majority of votes.
8. Honorary Vice-Presidents may be appointed by the AGM in recognition of their service or value to the Band; appointments will be for life. Honorary Vice-Presidents will have no voting or executive rights (except as individuals qualified in another way), but may be consulted or may be requested to undertake activities for the Band.
9. The President will chair all General and Committee meetings, and will conduct the meeting. The President will have a casting vote in addition to his or her original vote.
10 In the absence of the President, the Chair will be taken by the Vice-President. If neither is present, the meeting will elect a Chair with the same powers and duties as the President..
11. The Secretary will undertake the duties of correspondence on behalf of the Band, the recording of Minutes, the organisation of meetings, and the provision of information to the Band Members. Specific activities will be as detailed in the Band's Byelaws as determined from time to time by the Management Committee.
12 The Treasurer will be responsible for the control of all financial transactions of the Band, and for presenting a Statement of Accounts to the AGM. Specific activities will be as detailed in the Band's Byelaws as determined from time to time by the Management Committee.
13. The Conductor will be responsible for the musical direction of the Band, and will have the entire control of the players in rehearsals and performances, and will appoint a Sub-Conductor in consultation with the Management Committee. Specific activities will be as detailed in the Band's Byelaws as determined from time to time by the Management Committee.
14. In the absence of the Conductor, the Sub-Conductor will have the same duties and responsibilities as the Conductor.
15. The Auditor will, prior to the AGM, inspect and analyse the Treasurer's statement for the year, and will check this against the vouchers, Bank Book, and Minutes, and will report to the AGM about the Band's financial position.
16. Meetings of the Management Committee will be held monthly, or as determined by the AGM.
Extraordinary Committee meetings can be called by the Secretary, with the agreement of the President or Vice-President, or any four Committee Members; the Secretary must give a notice of the business of Extraordinary Committee meetings.
The Management Committee has the power to transact and direct all business, subject to the approval of the AGM (except for necessary expenses), enact any Byelaws to cope with unforseen circumstances (subject to the approval of the AGM), to appoint Sub-committees, to suspend any player, hear the appeals of players, and consider and decide on complaints by players.
17. To be accepted as a Performing Member (player), the only requirement is a love of music, and particularly of Brass Bands. Membership, participation, and appointment to any playing position within the Band will be made entirely on musical aptitude and ability, and on no other criteria.
18. All the property of the Band (premises, instruments, music, etc) is vested in the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Members of the Committee, held in trust on behalf of the Band. They may request any individual at any time for return of instruments and other Band property.
19. The Management Committee will be responsible for drawing up and amending from time to time the byelaws for the running of the Band, amendments to be ratified by the AGM. The Constitution and Byelaws will be displayed in the Bandroom.
20. The Constitution may be amended at a General Meeting under the conditions that the nature of the proposed amendments must be given in advance, and that a vote of 2/3rds of the Members present is required to approve a change.
21. Any resolution for closing down the Band, or disposing of its assets (except disposals in the normal course of events) requires the agreement at a General Meeting of 9/10ths of the Members present; these must have been Members for at least 3 years.
No proceeds of the disposal of assets will be paid to any Members of the Band, but will be transferred to a recognised charitable body with similar objects to the Band.
Tasks of Secretary :
. prepare the Agenda for meetings
. record Minutes of meetings
. call General and Committee meetings.
. conduct correspondence in consultation with the Committee.
. present possible engagements to the Committee/Band
. keep and maintain a register of Members
. keep a diary of engagements on display
. keep and maintain a register of instruments
. represent (or with others) the Band at outside meetings
. ensure that the Byelaws of the Band are observed
. liaise with the Conductor
Tasks of Treasurer :
. receive and take charge of all money;
. pay debts when authorised by the Committee;
. pay all money into the Bank in the names of the President, Secretary and Treasurer;
. present a Financial Statement to the Committee as requested;
. prepare a statement of income and expenditure to present to the AGM;
. submit a statement of income and expenditure to the Auditors before the AGM.
Tasks of Conductor :
. have the entire control of the players - ie the Band - in the practice room or when performing;
. assign particular instruments to each player;
. decide the music to be played;
. issue instructions to players on engagements;
. nominate a Sub-Conductor.